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Holdsworth Advantage

Holdsworth Advantage

As a Chartered Management Account and Professional Business Advisor with experience working in small and medium sized organisations I understand the challenges that SME owners face in todays fast moving economy. SME owners are generally time-poor and unable to divert the necessary resource to improving the performance of their business. I provide a solution to that problem. I work with organisations on removing barriers to growth. Together we look at high level but vital aspects of the business. We use a particular approach, identify issues, make a plan and tackle the issues. There has been a fantastic success rate in the assignments approached in this way, all have seen improved results and most have grown their turnover significantly. I am also Xero Certified and a registered growth coach for The Business Growth Service so am able to support with access to grant and funding available to small businesses.

Areas Covered: Warrington

Telephone number: 7711357077


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